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Jakarta Utara , Jakarta

Tentang Regatta

Regatta is an iconic, ultra-luxurious high-rise condominium at Pantai Mutiara, north Jakarta. It consists of ten apartment towers, a five-star hotel, a serviced apartment and Aqua Park. The Italian name of Regatta, which means a yacht race, is a reference to the nautical architectural concept and the corresponding environment. London-based acclaimed architecture, design and engineering consultancy firm WS Atkins Design and Engineering Solutions—led by Tom Wright who designed Burj Al Arab—worked on the masterplan of the condominium.

In 2013 alone, 47 apartment units were sold for Rp80.81 billion in total. Currently, the Company is preparing the second development phase with three apartment towers: London, new York and Shanghai. While the design and license are taken care of, the marketing will begin in 2014.Regatta apartment won the FIABCI Prix d’Excellence, Bali Congress Award 2010. The FIABCI Prix d’Excellence recognizes the project that best embodies excellence in all the real estate disciplines involved in its creation.

Regatta adalah proyek kondominiumdibangun oleh Intiland Development, Units ersedia dari Studio hingga 3 bedroom. Regatta di Jakarta Utara, Jakarta memiliki fasilitas berikut: Swimming pool, Air conditioning, Security dan Car park.

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Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta


  • Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Security
  • Car park

About the developer

Intiland Development juga membangun proyek seperti Sumatra 36, Kondominium Graha Famili, dan Pinang Residences.

Proyek terdekat lainnya

Terdapat sejumlah pembangunan Kondominium lainnya di area Regatta diantaranya:
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