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Bayview Apartment

Jakarta Utara , Jakarta

Tentang Bayview Apartment

Green Bay Pluit superblock the only one that is built on the seafront that combines panoramic sea Mall, apartments, condominiums and 60% green areas so merasakaan a green environment, healthy, beautiful and comfortable.

Green Bay Pluit Pluit located in the area of ​​gold, a safe location, elite and strategic as well as having a high investment value. Only 10-15 minutes from the International airport of Soekarno - Hatta. Developed by an experienced developer of the leading and reliable Agung Podomoro

Built on an area 12,5Ha, Green Bay Pluit developed with the concept of a very unique and spectacular. The new icon is a superblock in Indonesia, which combines the Green Development and Mixed Use Development.

Bayview Apartment adalah proyek kondominiumdibangun oleh PT. Kencana Unggul Sukses, Units ersedia dari Studio hingga 2 bedroom. Bayview Apartment di Jakarta Utara, Jakarta memiliki fasilitas berikut: Swimming pool, Air conditioning, Security, Car park, Garden, Children's area dan Grill.

Marker Icon
Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta


  • Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Security
  • Car park
  • Garden
  • Children's area
  • Grill

About the developer

PT. Kencana Unggul Sukses juga membangun proyek seperti Coastview Apartment, Seaview Condominium, dan Green Bay Pluit.

Proyek terdekat lainnya

Terdapat sejumlah pembangunan Kondominium lainnya di area Bayview Apartment diantaranya:
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