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Borneo Bay Residences

Bandung , Jawa Barat

Tentang Borneo Bay Residences

On additional 5 hectares reclamation in front of the The Plaza Balikpapan complex, PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk is developing another superblock which consist of lifestyle mall, hotel and two apartment towers (Borneo Bay Residences).

As the first exclusive property with superblock concept in Balikpapan, Borneo Bay Residences is envisioned as a smart building—cutting-edge, user friendly, secure and convenient.

Located in the heart of Balikpapan city, Borneo Bay Residences offers luxurious and user-friendly residence with easy access to public transport. It is sitting in a prime location, in the center of the city administration and commercial district and a couple of minutes from Sepinggan International Airport. Easily reachable from all parts of the city, this state-of-the-art piece of property will become a prominent landmark in this fast-growing, cosmopolitan city.

Borneo Bay Residences adalah proyek kondominiumdibangun oleh PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk, Units ersedia dari studio. Borneo Bay Residences di Bandung, Jawa Barat memiliki fasilitas berikut: Swimming pool, Air conditioning, Security, Car park, Garden, Children's area dan Grill.

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Alamendah, Bandung, Jawa Barat


  • Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Security
  • Car park
  • Garden
  • Children's area
  • Grill

About the developer

PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk juga membangun proyek seperti Amaris Hotel, Gading Nias Residence, dan The Lavande.

Proyek terdekat lainnya

Terdapat sejumlah pembangunan Kondominium lainnya di area Borneo Bay Residences diantaranya:
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