It’s that time of the year again – the time when we take a look back at the year, and also when we reward the deserving in the Dot Property Best of the Best Awards.
At Dot Property, and for the first time, we have showcased some of Southeast Asia’s top residences, as well as serviced offices, serviced office providers and suppliers of innovative technology.
As you will see we’ve shone the spotlight on a very wide variety of projects – both from a geographical and design perspective. That’s totally in keeping with what Southeast Asia has to offer property buyers and investors.
From beach front villas to city centre condominiums and everything in between, the region is home to arguably some of the best property projects anywhere.
When it comes to value for money, the region also offers something for everyone. That’s something we’ve aimed to reflect in our Dot Property Best of the Best Awards. You don’t need to be rich to own a beautiful property in Southeast Asia, as the chosen properties will testify.
We hope you enjoy reading this special Awards edition and, who knows, learning a thing or two about properties that you didn’t even know existed.
Nothing like this is possible without a great deal of support, not only from those who are featured, and who we thank for their time, but also from our three sponsors – without whom these Awards may not have been possible.
If you get the chance please learn more about their offerings – and please mention Dot Property when you do.
All that remains is to wish everyone a happy end to 2016, and for what is the high season in most countries in Southeast Asia, both a successful and profitable fourth quarter.
Written by Alva Horgan, Managing Director (International) and Andrew Batt, Head of Content (International) and Editor.