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The Green Magazine

Bandung , Jawa Barat

Tentang The Green Magazine

The Green Magazine is a magazine concept which means green house, the architects departed from the profession of philosophical excavation clients as an editor at a magazine company in Jakarta. Inspired from here, the architects tried to create symbolic of the magazine itself into the facade of a house shaped like a sheet magazine being opened. Made of metal wiremesh facade covered with vines that serve as a buffering of the western sun is right to deal directly with the front of the house. At the bottom of a small patio area optimized into a gathering area with ladder access in the form of rocks and plants. In the carport is made with a series of atmospheric iron such as rain, thus giving the impression of a cold at the access entrance. 75m2 small house on the land is designed to optimize the existing budget, without changing the existing space. In the carport area fence made with iron railings folding system that can be extended when a client wants to enter the car in the carport. This can help make room in the carport is not reduced because the area is needed.

The Green Magazine adalah proyek rumahdibangun oleh Delution, The Green Magazine di Bandung, Jawa Barat memiliki fasilitas berikut: Car park dan Garden.

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Ancol, Bandung, Jawa Barat


  • Car park
  • Garden

About the developer

Delution juga membangun proyek seperti The Wind Strips, Frame Box House, dan Potted House.

Proyek terdekat lainnya

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