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Surabaya , Jawa Timur


Citizen 9 Residence Gresik is an integrated residential complex with a modern architectural design with a minimalist elegant colors. There are 8 types of models to choose as a dwelling and investment. Access to the CITI 9 Residence Gresik is very easy, because it is located on the main road next to the East of Toll Surabaya - Gresik and close to Terminal Sunan Giri. With the Certificate of Ownership and Splitzing System and One-Gate-System makes CITI 9 Residence Gresik residential comfortable, safe and high-value investments.

CITIZEN 9 RESIDENCE GRESIK adalah proyek rumahdibangun oleh Citi 9, CITIZEN 9 RESIDENCE GRESIK di Surabaya, Jawa Timur

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Asemrowo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur

About the developer

Proyek terdekat lainnya

Terdapat sejumlah pembangunan Rumah lainnya di area CITIZEN 9 RESIDENCE GRESIK diantaranya:
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