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Wisma 46

Wisma 46
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Tentang Wisma 46

Wisma 46 - Kota BNI

Wisma 46 - fondly known as the Fountain Pen building - dominates the Jakarta skyline with its impressive 262 meters. The unique design of Wisma 46 distinguishes it from other commercial buildings in the Central Business District, making it an icon of Jakarta’s skyline. 

Wisma 46 was designed by world-renowned architectural firm, Zeidler Partnership Architects (Zeidler Roberts Partnership), who is known for internationally acclaimed projects such as Canada Place in Vancouver and Media Park in Cologne, Germany. Zeidler Partnership Architects’ expertise and proven portfolio, ensures that every detail of Wisma 46 is of world class standard. 

It is an integral part of the 16 hectare Kota BNI City mixed development that currently includes Shangri-La Hotel and Shangri-La Residences and Casa Domaine Condominium. With plans for further development, Kota BNI City will be an integrated mix of commercial building, retail outlet, and residential living in the heart of Jakarta’s Central Business District. 

Wisma 46 is owned by PT Swadharma Primautama, a joint venture between Yayasan Dana Pensiun BNI, Salim Group, and Lyman Group - who is committed to providing quality products and services to all its tenants and visitors. The Marketing and Property Management Team are in-house professionals with many years of experience in building and office management. Wisma 46 has earned the ISO 9001/2000 certification for Customer Satisfaction and the Management Team is committed to maintaining its international standard of services.

Wisma 46 adalah proyek komersialdibangun oleh PT. Swadharma Primautama, Wisma 46 di Jakarta memiliki fasilitas berikut: Air conditioning, Security dan Car park.

Marker Icon
Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta


  • Air conditioning
  • Security
  • Car park

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