Balongbendo Modernshop & Warehouse is a complex innovation of CITI 9 which combines warehousing complex with a modern architectural design firm minimalist colors and bold, making the cluster attract the attention of road users.The strategic location, on the main road and west of Police Balong Bendo, make sure the site is safe and secure. Additionally, Balongbendo Modernshop & Warehouse is located close to the industry and other supporting facilities so as to make these clusters deserves to be warehousing, shop and invest.
BALONGBENDO MODERNSHOP & WAREHOUSE adalah proyek komersialdibangun oleh Citi 9, BALONGBENDO MODERNSHOP & WAREHOUSE di Balongbendo, Sidoarjo memiliki fasilitas berikut: Car park dan Garden.
- Car park
- Garden
About the developer
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