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Sumatra 36

Surabaya , Jawa Timur

Tentang Sumatra 36

Sumatra36 is a luxury downtown apartment on Sumatra Street, one of the prime addresses in Surabaya. Harking back to its past as the location of the crème de la crème, the property occupies a 2,358-square-meter land and consists of 12 floors, encompassing 63 exclusive units. The construction stage in 2013 completed the building structure up to the tenth floor, of approximately 40% of the whole project done. As many as 23 units were already sold with a price of Rp25 million per square meter.

Sumatra 36 adalah proyek kondominiumdibangun oleh Intiland Development, Units ersedia dari Studio hingga 2 bedroom. Sumatra 36 di Surabaya, Jawa Timur memiliki fasilitas berikut: Swimming pool, Air conditioning, Gym, Internet, Security dan Car park.

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Asemrowo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur


  • Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Gym
  • Internet
  • Security
  • Car park

About the developer

Intiland Development juga membangun proyek seperti Regatta, Kondominium Graha Famili, dan Pinang Residences.

Proyek terdekat lainnya

Terdapat sejumlah pembangunan Kondominium lainnya di area Sumatra 36 diantaranya:
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