Developers Southeast Asia

What strategies can developers utilize to cope with the current crisis?

The current COVID-19 situation has impacted the global economy as well as real estate markets in individual countries. Property developers in places such as...
Dot Property Group Agent Meet Up in Bangkok

Dot Property Group hosts its inaugural Agent Meet Up in Bangkok

Dot Property Group launched its Agent Meet Up series at Hansar Hotel in Bangkok on Thursday. More than 60 property professionals turned out for...
Make your listings more effective

Make your listings more effective by doing these 4 things

Listings are the lifeblood of your business. They are the first point of contact most people have with a property. What they see and...

How to make the most of your viewing

Make sure you are prepared for every viewing with these top tips.  A viewing does not automatically mean a deal even if your lead is...

4 tips to close an offer

Speed up negotiating an offer with these tips.   Closing an offer is perfected with experience. It is about managing expectations on both sides and...

4 apps real estate agents in Southeast Asia need to save time and increase...

The smartphone has become the most valuable item in every property professional’s tool belt. In a field requiring you to be ready to work...
December real estate agents

Things real estate agents can do to stay busy during December

December tends to be a slower month for the real estate industry. Home buyers and renters have either already made a decision or are...
apps real agents need

5 apps real agents need to succeed (and 1 bonus app)

As a real estate agent, your mobile devices are essential for getting business done. Apps can save you time and money, however, finding the...

Ghost Month & Property: should you be worried?

Ghost Month is nearly upon us, or it's already here depending on when you’re reading this. This year it runs from August 1 to...
selling affordable homes and condos

The keys to selling affordable homes and condos

We have previously covered the do’s and don’ts of selling a million dollar home. But what about the opposite? Many real estate agents have...